Ein Gedanke zu „Das Ende der Psycho-Pharmazie?“

  1. Pippi

    Broad Review of FDA Trials Suggests Antidepressants Only Marginally Better than Placebo

    „We found that out of the 4041 patients initially started on the SSRI [selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor] citalopram in the STAR*D study, and after 4 trials, only 108 patients had a remission and did not either have a relapse and/or dropped out by the end of 12 months of continuing care,“ lead study author Ed Pigott, PhD, a psychologist with NeuroAdvantage LLC in Clarksville, Maryland.

    „In other words, if you’re trying to look at sustained benefit, you’re only looking at 2.7%, which is a pretty jaw-dropping number,“ added Dr. Pigott.

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