The Antibodies Song …

This song is to help us remember autoantibodies and the autoimmune diseases they cause. It is inspired by Wakko Warner’s The 50 States and their capitals song.

ANA and Anti-Smith are for Lupus
Rheumatoid Factor Rheumatoid arthritis
Theres anti-centromere if youre looking for CREST
Double stranded DNA is Lupus nephritis

Anti-SSA and anti-SSB are the antibodies for Sjogrens Disease
Anti-RNP for MCTD
Anti-basement membrane is for Goodpastures disease

Anti-jo 1 for polymyositis
ANCA can be found in microscopic polyarteritis
Anti-GAD diabetes mellitus
And Anti smooth muscles in autoimmune hepatitis

Anti-mitochondrial PBC
In Celiac sprue look for Anti-TTG
Anti-histone drug induced SLE
in Scleroderma youll find SCL 70

Lets say that a patient has a PE
Youll want to send Anti cardiolipin antibody
As long as youre working up a hypercoagulable state
Send Lupus anticoagulant and APLA, mate

TSI is in Graves disease
Now lets say your patient has a high MCV
Pernicious anemia it may be
Send Anti-parietal cell Ab

Anti TPO Hashimotos thyroiditis
Acetylcholine receptor Myasthenia gravis
Finally Antiplatelet antibody
Is not needed to diagnose ITP

Thats all the antibodies for now

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